Should I Click on that Link?

by in , , 03 Oct 2012 0

We've all received them, emails from a seemingly trusted source like a bank or delivery company claiming there was some type of issue or another requiring you to offer up some personal information or click on a link or button to help clear the issue up. This is a common form of security attack call a phishing or spear phishing scam.

As October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM), to help support cyber security awareness, the SANS Institute ( has posted the five minute online security awareness video "Email and Instant Messaging" covering the risks of using these technologies (including phishing scams, infected attachments, and drive-by downloads), and the steps you can take to protect yourself.  This video will be available through October 15th when a new video will replace it.

Please take the time to view this informative video.

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