09/19/12 Tip of the Day!

by in , 19 Sep 2012 0

Don't share your password-even with an assistant or close coworker

Here are two examples of why you should never share your ID and password with anyone.

A salesperson relied on his assistant every day, trusting them with his user name and password. Eventually they quit, but not before they deleted all of the salesperson's sent e-mail and saved files... Turns out they never performed backed up the computer either.

Several coworkers used the same ID and password to log in to their systems—it seemed easier for them that way.  The time came to change their password and they forgot to tell each other they were changing the password.  One by one they all began calling the help desk to get the password reset for their shared ID. The end result was they began locking each other out of their computers and finally getting reprimanded for sharing the ID and password in the first place.

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