Archive for September 2013

Don't give away your data when you give away your handheld device.

by in , , , , , , , , , , 0

Be careful before you resell or give away your handheld devices such as smart phones or any other device that can store data. The new owner will be able uncover your previous data from the device including id's, passwords or any other personal information that may have been stored. At a minimum, figure out how to reset it to the factory standard before turning it in or reselling it. Refer to your manual or call the manufacturer. Follow this link for more information on deleting data.

How to spot a phishing email.

by in , , , , , , , , , , , , , 0

With the recent flurry of phishing emails being received these days I thought I would post this quick guide to assist you in determining if the email you received may actually be a phishing email.

It could be a phishing email if:

  • There are misspelled words in the email or it contains poor grammar.
  • The message is asking for personally identifiable information (PII), such as credit card numbers, account numbers, passwords, PIN's or Social Security Number.
  • There are "threats" or alarming statements that create a sense of urgency.  For example: "Your account will be locked until we hear from you" or "We have noticed activity on your account from a foreign IP address".
  • The domain name in the message isn't the one you're used to seeing.  It's usually close to the real domain name but not exact.  For example:
    • Phishing Website:
    • Real Website: